Saturday, December 31, 2011

Reflections for 2011

Happy New Year!  Zach and I made it home this evening after being out of town a little over a week celebrating Christmas with family in North Carolina.  We had a great time but, I must say, after all the hours in the car I was glad to be back and to be able to spend a quiet, relaxing New Year's Eve in our own home.

I love the ending of an old year and the beginning of a new.  There is so much to look back on and a lot to look forward to. I spent some time today thinking back on 2011 and found these questions to be very helpful in inspiring some thoughtful reflections on the past year .  I wanted to share some of my answers with you here and hope that the questions may help you to intentionally think about this past year in your own life. 

1. What was the single best thing that happened this year?  There were many great things that happened this year, but I would have to say the absolute best happened around mid-June - we found out we were expecting a baby!

2. What was the single most challenging thing that happened?  I would say the process of searching for a new ministry position was pretty challenging.  We started off the year still in the mountains of NC where Zach was interning with a collegiate ministry, but this was only a temporary position and we knew we needed to find something more permanent by May.  The challenging part was the uncertainty of where we were going to go and if another job was going to open up by the time his internship ended.  Of course, the Lord had a plan the whole time and opened up a full-time position for Zach at just the right time.

3. What was an unexpected joy this past year?  The generosity of our new church family.  When we first arrived back in May they overwhelmed us with their hospitality by having our house clean and freshly painted, providing helping hands to unload and move our stuff in, and stocking our pantry with food that we are still using up!  Also, since we've found out we're pregnant, they have helped buy a few pieces of nursery furniture for us and are throwing a shower in a few weeks!  All this was definitely unexpected and they have been a joy in our lives.

4.  Pick three words to describe 2011.  Favored. Transitional. Surprising.

5. What were the best books you read this year?  Hmmm... honestly, 2011 wasn't a great year for reading.  I didn't end up reading as much as I would like to have.  I'm hoping to read more next year.  As far as what I was able to read I would say "Doctrine: What Christians Should Believe" by Mark Driscoll was the most enriching.

6. What was your biggest personal change from January to December of this year?  Pregnancy, in body and mind.  :)

7.  With whom were your most valuable relationships?  Most valuable relationship this year has been with my husband.  2011 was our first full year of marriage and it included a big move to a new state, several road trips, lots of great conversations, prayers about the present and future, harder times and light-hearted times, and so much more.  Experienced it all together! Other valuable relationships this year: my family - no matter how far away we live they are always going to be my favorite people. Also, a special lady who is a student at Western Carolina University who I had the privilege of befriending and having some great weekly conversations with over coffee.  She knows who she is!

8. What was the most enjoyable part of your work (both professionally and at home)?  Outside of the home, I really loved my tutoring job I had while in NC earlier this year.  I think my favorite part about that job was the awesome teachers I worked with.  I miss seeing them a couple times a week even now.  As far as my work inside of the home, I have truly enjoyed setting up and decorating our new home and getting more organized with keeping the house clean, meal planning, etc.  I think my favorite part is planning our meals weekly and trying out new recipes.

9. What was the most challenging part of your work (both professionally and at home)?  With my tutoring job, the most challenging part was disciplining and managing students who did not want to listen or work.  After an hour and a half with them, I was done and, some days, totally exhausted.  At home, the most challenging part for me was earlier this year when we lived in a small apartment in the basement of the collegiate ministry building on campus where Zach was interning.  The apartment itself wasn't bad but, since it was located IN the ministry building, I personally had a difficult time with being able to separate our home life from Zach's work life. 

10. What was your single biggest time waster in your life this past year?  Facebook, of course. :-)  Or just spending too much unnecessary time on the computer in general.

11. What was the best way you used your time this past year? Spending quality time with people and investing in my marriage.

12. In what way(s) did you grow emotionally and spiritually? Entering into a marriage is one of the most useful tools God uses to refine your character.  Serving and loving someone else above yourself, desiring to pray for them more than you pray for yourself, and, as a wife, submitting to your husband are all fruit that I have seen Him grow in my own life through my first year of marriage.

13. In what way(s) have you grown physically?  I can honestly say the last half of this year was the first time I have been happy to be packing on the pounds. ;-)  Also, through my journey of learning to cook and prepare balanced meals this year I have learned  a lot more about healthier eating than I knew before.

A couple of my own questions that I added...

14. What skills did you gain or grow in this year?  Budgeting and money management.

15. What new places or sights did you visit or see this year?  Springhill, Louisiana! As well as a few other cities and towns in northwestern Louisiana and southern Arkansas. Also, over Easter weekend I was able to visit Memphis, Tennessee for the first time since I was really young. 

Overall, 2011 was a great year filled with lots of change and blessings!  Now it's time to focus on a new year and what it will bring!