Saturday, December 31, 2011

Reflections for 2011

Happy New Year!  Zach and I made it home this evening after being out of town a little over a week celebrating Christmas with family in North Carolina.  We had a great time but, I must say, after all the hours in the car I was glad to be back and to be able to spend a quiet, relaxing New Year's Eve in our own home.

I love the ending of an old year and the beginning of a new.  There is so much to look back on and a lot to look forward to. I spent some time today thinking back on 2011 and found these questions to be very helpful in inspiring some thoughtful reflections on the past year .  I wanted to share some of my answers with you here and hope that the questions may help you to intentionally think about this past year in your own life. 

1. What was the single best thing that happened this year?  There were many great things that happened this year, but I would have to say the absolute best happened around mid-June - we found out we were expecting a baby!

2. What was the single most challenging thing that happened?  I would say the process of searching for a new ministry position was pretty challenging.  We started off the year still in the mountains of NC where Zach was interning with a collegiate ministry, but this was only a temporary position and we knew we needed to find something more permanent by May.  The challenging part was the uncertainty of where we were going to go and if another job was going to open up by the time his internship ended.  Of course, the Lord had a plan the whole time and opened up a full-time position for Zach at just the right time.

3. What was an unexpected joy this past year?  The generosity of our new church family.  When we first arrived back in May they overwhelmed us with their hospitality by having our house clean and freshly painted, providing helping hands to unload and move our stuff in, and stocking our pantry with food that we are still using up!  Also, since we've found out we're pregnant, they have helped buy a few pieces of nursery furniture for us and are throwing a shower in a few weeks!  All this was definitely unexpected and they have been a joy in our lives.

4.  Pick three words to describe 2011.  Favored. Transitional. Surprising.

5. What were the best books you read this year?  Hmmm... honestly, 2011 wasn't a great year for reading.  I didn't end up reading as much as I would like to have.  I'm hoping to read more next year.  As far as what I was able to read I would say "Doctrine: What Christians Should Believe" by Mark Driscoll was the most enriching.

6. What was your biggest personal change from January to December of this year?  Pregnancy, in body and mind.  :)

7.  With whom were your most valuable relationships?  Most valuable relationship this year has been with my husband.  2011 was our first full year of marriage and it included a big move to a new state, several road trips, lots of great conversations, prayers about the present and future, harder times and light-hearted times, and so much more.  Experienced it all together! Other valuable relationships this year: my family - no matter how far away we live they are always going to be my favorite people. Also, a special lady who is a student at Western Carolina University who I had the privilege of befriending and having some great weekly conversations with over coffee.  She knows who she is!

8. What was the most enjoyable part of your work (both professionally and at home)?  Outside of the home, I really loved my tutoring job I had while in NC earlier this year.  I think my favorite part about that job was the awesome teachers I worked with.  I miss seeing them a couple times a week even now.  As far as my work inside of the home, I have truly enjoyed setting up and decorating our new home and getting more organized with keeping the house clean, meal planning, etc.  I think my favorite part is planning our meals weekly and trying out new recipes.

9. What was the most challenging part of your work (both professionally and at home)?  With my tutoring job, the most challenging part was disciplining and managing students who did not want to listen or work.  After an hour and a half with them, I was done and, some days, totally exhausted.  At home, the most challenging part for me was earlier this year when we lived in a small apartment in the basement of the collegiate ministry building on campus where Zach was interning.  The apartment itself wasn't bad but, since it was located IN the ministry building, I personally had a difficult time with being able to separate our home life from Zach's work life. 

10. What was your single biggest time waster in your life this past year?  Facebook, of course. :-)  Or just spending too much unnecessary time on the computer in general.

11. What was the best way you used your time this past year? Spending quality time with people and investing in my marriage.

12. In what way(s) did you grow emotionally and spiritually? Entering into a marriage is one of the most useful tools God uses to refine your character.  Serving and loving someone else above yourself, desiring to pray for them more than you pray for yourself, and, as a wife, submitting to your husband are all fruit that I have seen Him grow in my own life through my first year of marriage.

13. In what way(s) have you grown physically?  I can honestly say the last half of this year was the first time I have been happy to be packing on the pounds. ;-)  Also, through my journey of learning to cook and prepare balanced meals this year I have learned  a lot more about healthier eating than I knew before.

A couple of my own questions that I added...

14. What skills did you gain or grow in this year?  Budgeting and money management.

15. What new places or sights did you visit or see this year?  Springhill, Louisiana! As well as a few other cities and towns in northwestern Louisiana and southern Arkansas. Also, over Easter weekend I was able to visit Memphis, Tennessee for the first time since I was really young. 

Overall, 2011 was a great year filled with lots of change and blessings!  Now it's time to focus on a new year and what it will bring!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Some Randomness and a Weekly Meal Plan

A Few Things You Really Don't Need to Know 
1. I had my first pumpkin spice latte of the season on Saturday and it was all I hoped and dreamed it would be.

2.  I have this unexplainable urge to watch Twilight:Eclipse today but can't seem to find it available to rent anywhere.

3.  I'm very excited about the deal I bought on Groupon today ($6 for $12 worth of food at a local Greek and Lebanese restaurant). 

4.  I think I might have felt the baby move the other night, but I'm really not sure. And I'm still confused about it.

It's going to be a short post today.  It's 3:30 p.m. as I write this and I must confess, I have had quite the lazy day today.  Let's see... I slept in until 10:00 am this morning, had McDonald's for breakfast, and have spent the majority of the early afternoon sitting on the couch reading just for fun.  And I don't feel the least bit guilty about any of it! 

We spent the first half of last week in Nashville for a conference (which I hope to write a post about soon) and the last several days have been filled with catching up on housework, attending church activities, and being out of the house for one reason or another.  So, sometimes you just need a day to do nothing but stay home and rest!

I am hoping to be a little productive this evening though.  :-)  I'm planning on doing a little laundry and picking up around the house.  I've also managed to get my week planned out, including our dinners. Before I go, I wanted to share a quick meal plan with you.  So, without further ado.....

What's Cookin' in the Kennedy Kitchen?...

Monday: Spaghetti w/Green Beans and Garlic Bread
Tuesday:  Hawaiian Chicken Stir-Fry
Wednesday: Leftovers. We have youth on Wednesday nights so leftovers is usually on the table.
Thursday: Shepherds Pie
Friday: Tortilla Pizzas (I have 4 more tortillas I need to use up.  Why do so many come in one bag??)
Saturday: Eating out! We're going to Buffalo Wild Wing to watch UFC.
Sunday: Leftovers or something easy.

Have a happy week!! :)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Meal Plan for the Weekend and Tip for Freezing Beans

I used to do a weekly post where I shared our meal plan for the week.  I haven't done one of those in a while and I always enjoy seeing other people's meal plans, so I thought I would pick back up with what's on the menu at our house for the rest of this week. 

Here's What's Cookin' in Our Kitchen:

Thursday: Baked Pecan Crusted Salmon w/grilled asparagus and garlic bread

Friday:  Homemade Pepperoni Pizza w/spinach salad  (Before when I've made this I've used The Frugal Girl's recipe for thin crust pizza which my sister showed me and I like a lot, but I think I might try The Pioneer Woman's pizza crust recipe this time).

Saturday: Not sure yet.  We're having our youth group over for games and ice cream tonight, so we'll probably do something simple like leftovers or grilled cheese and soup for dinner.

Sunday-Wednesday:  We're going to Nashville these days, so obviously we'll be eating out a lot!  My parents sent us a gift card to the Texas Roadhouse for our 1 year anniversary which I'm sure will be put to good use!  And I've been MAJORLY craving a chicken burrito bowl from Chipotle pretty much since we moved here.  Here's to getting my fix in Nashville! 

Tip For Freezing Beans

Most of the time instead of using canned beans I like to buy dried beans, cook a big pot of them and freeze them for a later time.  My problem was when I would put them in the freezer after cooking them they would always freeze into one big clump, making it difficult to get the portion I wanted out of the bag.  I recently discovered a little trick for helping the beans to freeze individually instead of in clumps.  You ready?  The trick is to freeze the beans on a cookie sheet first before separating them into smaller zip-lock bags.  This tip might not be new to a lot of you, but it was new to me!  I thought I'd share how to do it in case anyone else doesn't want a frozen clump of beans.  Here goes: 

Soak AND cook your beans, then drain them well.  Next you can:
  • Spread them evenly on a flat cookie sheet (you can line the sheet with parchment paper to make bean removal easier)
  • Freeze them 1 hour
  • Take them out of the freezer, then put them in a Freezer Ziploc or individual Ziplocs (or a freezer safe container).
  • Return the beans to the freezer.

Simple as that! A quick tip for you!  I love being able to have already cooked beans in the freezer that I can pull out and heat up real quick with a meal!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A Labor Day Post

Here it is, the beginning of September.  The cooler days, the crisper night air, the start of football games, the first pumpkin spice latte of the season....  all of these things are reminders of the closing of summer and the ushering in of autumn.  Even here in the deep south we are beginning to feel a fall breeze.  And, believe me, after seemingly endless days of temps in the 100's this summer, it is a welcome friend.

Since I let the whole summer go by without blogging and, though there are many things I could share about, instead of doing a catch-up post I'm going to just pick right up in the present.  Let's start with a labor day weekend post.  :-)

We had a great labor day weekend with Ashley (my sister), Zach (brother-in-law) and their pups who came down from Memphis, TN for a couple days.   Although it was overcast and a little rainy all weekend the temps were a blissful low to mid 80's.  Hallelujah!  We had a good time with them and enjoyed being able give them a glimpse of our lives here.  Saturday we had a relaxing morning of sleeping in followed by starting the day with coffee and cinnamon rolls.  *Sidenote*  I had my first cup of coffee that morning since being pregnant.  All during my first trimester coffee suddenly became repulsive to me and I couldn't stand the smell or taste of it.  Now that I'm in my second trimester the aversion I had to coffee has faded away and so I thought I would try to drink a little bit (don't worry, I didn't drink too much).  Well, it tasted SO good that morning that I had not one but two cups.  About an hour later I started to get the shakes really bad!  I guess being off of coffee for over 2 months had nullified the immunization to caffeine I had once had.  I knew if I was feeling super shaky my baby had to be feeling it to.  I could just picture he/she in there kicking up a storm, haha!    Later that day we went on a short driving tour of our little town and had dinner at a local restaurant.  Sunday we went to church and then made the 45 minute drive to the "big city" for lunch and some shopping.

Toby claimed this chair for himself the first morning.
Sam "sitting pretty".  She's a smart one!

What a pretty girl!

Eating dinner at Sam's Southern Eatery.

Enjoying our cups of coffee in all of our morning glory.

Zach and I also celebrated our 1 year anniversary this past Sunday.  This past year has brought us many adventures with a new state, new home, new community, new job, and a new baby on the way!  I'm very thankful and looking forward to what this next year holds.

To wrap up our Labor Day weekend Zach and I took a trip out to a nearby state park for a couple hours of hiking and spending some time praying and reading together.  The weather was so gorgeous today and I figured I better make the most out of it before I get too big to walk for very long! 

Hope your Labor Day weekend was fun and restful as well!

Thursday, June 9, 2011


This past Sunday our church family gave us a good old-fashioned pounding. 

No, not the kind where they drag us out back and flog us.

I'm talking about the kind where they shower you with generosity, kindness and hospitality by literally pounding you with dry goods to stock up your kitchen.  (Okay maybe not literally).

Either way, we got pounded on Sunday night.  

So, I thought this video would be a fun way of showing the food stash we received.  After watching this, I don't think I'll be offered any movie deals anytime soon, but here you go!

A BIG thanks to our church family!  We are so incredibly grateful for how you've welcomed us in.

Friday, June 3, 2011

May at the Kennedy's

Our new house in Springhill, LA
Here I am, back on the blog!  Each month I have been doing a monthly update post to share what's been happening with us and how God has been graciously working.  I thought I would take a moment to continue that now and fill you in on what our May looked like.

God has been so good to us!  We started off this month by flying down to northern Louisiana for a couple days in view of a potential ministry position at a local church for Zach.  It was a wonderful time of seeking the Lord's will, meeting and fellowshipping with other believers, and eating some good food.  By the end of the weekend the church extended an invite for us to come and we gladly accepted!  Thus began our journey to Springhill, LA!

The following two weeks consisted of:  visiting family and friends in Greensboro, buying furniture (because we had none), closing out bank accounts, making a quick trip to Raleigh, renting a U-haul, picking up our furniture we had bought at 3 different locations, driving to our old apartment in Cullowhee and loading up our stuff there, driving to Memphis, quick visit with my sister and brother-in-law, driving to Louisiana, unloading the truck (with a bunch of help from others), and beginning the unpacking process.  Whew! Let's just say we did quite a bit of driving last month.

He drove the U-haul and trailer the entire 24+ hours of the trip.  I was not about to get behind that wheel...

"What's that, honey?  Do I want a turn driving the big, scary truck?..... No thanks.  I'm perfectly content driving my pretty blue car and sipping my Starbucks." :-)

We received such a warm welcome from our new church family as they helped us unload the U-haul and put furniture together, had the house freshly painted, and had trimmed hedges and planted flowers in our yard.  It feels like home already!  My parents were able to come down here the last weekend in May and help us get some stuff unpacked and set up in the house.

I am so thankful for our new home that God has provided through the church and am so excited about the adventure that still lies ahead!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

April at Our Home

April was a whirlwind for us.  Zach wrapped up his internship with the Baptist Collegiate Ministry (BCM) at Western Carolina University and I finished up my tutoring job at the elementary school.  It was a month of goodbyes and tying up loose ends as we prepared to leave the mountains.  Reflecting on our time there, I am thankful for how we saw the Lord provide for and bless us during this season.  As newlyweds, the setting we were in allowed Zach and I to be able to spend a lot of quality time together while learning quite a bit about living with and serving alongside one another.  There were invaluable lessons that were gained from challenges faced and I am confident that God will use those to help us both in the future. 

As you all know, over the past several months we have been seeking where God would have us serve in ministry next.  We had the opportunity to talk and interview with a few churches and just this month one church in particular surfaced to the forefront.  After several phone calls, much prayer and a couple in-depth interviews we are very excited to say that we officially know where we are going!  Zach accepted a position at a local church in a town in northern Louisiana as a pastor of youth and family discipleship!  We will be moving down there towards the end of May.  In the meantime, we will be staying with Zach’s mom as we get all of our stuff ready to move and take care of all the logistics that need to be done.  We are so humbled by God’s faithfulness and very excited for this next adventure!

In the midst of all the other events, we were able to travel to Memphis, TN and spend several days over Easter weekend with my family.  It was such a fun and relaxing time.  

Highlights from the trip: getting to make a pit stop in Nashville to visit with Zach's friend (and best man at our wedding), Matt, being able to have good quality time with family, all the "mouth wateringly" delicious local restaurants we ate at (oh, B.B. King’s how I love you!), and strolling around downtown.  Oh! And I was introduced to the absolute BEST donuts in the world here.  Made fresh every morning, they are delectable!

What I've Been Thankful For This Month

- A fun, Christ-loving family

- A mother-in-law who raised such a godly son

- Starbucks mochas

- The truth that God never gets overwhelmed or stressed out, even when I am

- A new beginning; a  new chapter in life

It might be a little quieter around here these next several weeks as we are going to be busy with moving, unpacking, and getting settled into our new home.  I will do my best to pop in with some new content at least once a week until we can get a bit more established.  We would appreciate your prayers as we plan, travel and take care of things for our move.  See you again soon! 

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Boxes & Bubble Wrap

We're packing up our apartment to move!  As I've shared all along, the internship that Zach has been doing here in the mountains is coming to an end.  Next week will be his last week working and immediately after that we will be flying to a southern state for a couple days to hopefully finalize details for where we will be heading next.  We are very excited for this great ministry opportunity the Lord is opening up.  A few of you may already know what I am referring to but if you don't, I promise I will share details once everything is squared away.

A Few Things I've Learned During the Packing Process
1.  I am thankful the biggest piece of furniture we own is a 47 x 28 inch table and that we don't have a house full of stuff to pack up.  Especially since we're packing it all in a week.

2.  It really does help to pack like items together (dishes with dishes, towels with towels).  Seems like common sense, but it's one of the most practical tips for simplifying when packing and unpacking.  Try not to mix things up that don't go together.  As you can see from this picture I never do that:

3.  Use packing as an excuse to declutter and throw or give things away you don't need or use anymore.  

4.  This is not the time to try out your iron chef skills.  Silly me, I actually had made a menu plan for this week.  Needless to say the plan went into the trash and our dinner this week has consisted of cereal and peanut butter sandwiches.  

5.  Conveniently being at the grocery store between 11:30 p.m. and 1:30 a.m. and/or 5:30 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. is never a bad thing when you are on the hunt for free boxes.

6.  My husband looks hot even when he's packing.

Happy Weekend!!!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

It's Tuesday

After 2 days of driving and 4 fabulous days with the family, we made it back to the mountains last night.  This morning I woke up with that funk feeling you get the day after vacation is over.  You know what I'm talking about...  

The song that goes (insert music) "back to life, back to reality", has been playing in my head all morning.  

I've got a pretty busy two weeks coming up.  With Zach's internship coming to an end in two weeks, there is a lot of planning, preparing, and packing to do.  So, what's next for the Kennedy's?  

God has been doing some pretty cool things lately.  I have some big news to share with you all in a couple weeks.  In the meantime I thought I'd post a few more pictures from our trip to Memphis.  

 The skyline of Memphis.  I love city skylines.  Sometimes Memphis gets a bad rap for being a crime-filled and dirty city.  I find Memphis to be an exciting city of culture.  My sister says it has "character".  :-)

Here is a picture of my beautiful family.  Some of my favorite people to hang out with.  No matter where we are we always manage to find the cafes.  
And, my brother (the guy in the back) is a goob.

Kyle and Brooke on the trolley.  Aren't they cute?

My mom and dad.  They're always up for a road trip, some excitement and adventure.  Hmm... I wonder where I get it from?

Friday, April 22, 2011

Walking in Memphis

 We're in Memphis, Tennessee this week with my family celebrating Easter weekend.  

We spent yesterday afternoon walking along the Mississippi River and soaking in some of the downtown culture.  

Grabbed some dinner at a little hole in the wall place, Gus's Fried Chicken.  Caloric goodness!  It's world famous, ya know.

While we were eating there was a police car chase right outside the restaurant.  The car being chased rounded the corner and crashed right into another car....  the wreck happened within a foot of both my parents and my sister and her husband's car (the white jeep in the back is their car)!  Thankfully, both cars managed to escape getting even a scratch. Welcome to Memphis!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

My Real-Life Daily Routine

Routine?  What's that?

After having lived in 8 different places in the past 5 years, each time knowing that a move is in the not too distant future, being in a constant state of transition has become my norm.  If I were to write my routine down on paper, I'd have to tear it up as soon as I finished because it would need to be different.  With each new location and life-style, my daily routine has altered.  I thrive on having a routine (as most of us do) and have found the key to keeping my days as peaceful as I can is to create a routine that is as flexible and simple as possible.

Instead of having a tight, scheduled day, I follow a routine of markers - key elements to indicate a successful day.

*Wake up early.  This is the hardest one for me, because I am naturally more of a night person.  However, I am not a productive night person.  There is a difference.  :-)  I find that if I get up earlier I am apt to get so much more done.  Rising early gives me time to spend with God before the day begins.  Jesus said sitting at his feet was "the one necessary thing" (Luke 10:42).  I believe him.  On a side note, why is it that your bed always feels so much more comfortable in the morning than it does when you lay down to go to bed at night?  One of life's great mysteries...

*Exercise.  Whether it's going to the gym that day or getting outside to go on a walk, I like to get at least 15-30 minutes of exercise in each day.

*Cleaning or organizational project(s).  Usually this means simple tasks like making sure the dishes are cleared out of the sink, sticking in a load or two of laundry, or organizing paper clutter.  Little on-going things that keep the home in order and keep you from feeling like you have a monstrous mess on your hands.  Occasionally I'll tackle something bigger as needed.  Yesterday I went through my closet and dresser to sort through clothes I never wear or don't need anymore.  The finished product was one full trash bag of clothes to give away and organized dresser drawers.  We'll see how long they stay organized, but it will definitely stay simplified for a while.

*Eat lunch.  This sounds so simple, but it's easy to get caught up in what you're doing and skip lunch.  I notice that eating a little something gives my energy level a good "pick me up" in the early afternoon.

*Errands.  If not, rest a little in the afternoon.  Afternoons usually end up being the time when I go out and run errands.  These include grocery shopping, going to the post office, bank, etc.  If I don't have any errands to run on a certain day I don't try to find something else to do to fill in that time.  I do not shy away from rest and relaxation. :-)  If I have some free time in the afternoon I will usually read, blog, or get together with a friend.

*Prepare and eat dinner.  Learning to cook more meals has been a priority of mine this first year of marriage.

*Pick up and wash dishes.  I try to get this done before I call it a day.  It doesn't always happen, but it's something I try to do.  Waking up to a sink full of dishes is not my favorite way to start the day.

Everything else that comes up falls between these markers.  I also try to remember to keep a flexible mind-set.  Some days it all gets done and I feel like super woman.  Other days I look around and realize all I managed to do was get the dishes washed.  Even if I only touch half of these markers, though, I can still see it as a successful day. I am home most days so I am blessed to have the time to do a lot of this. With another move coming up, we'll see how this routine changes!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Vegetable Lasagna

When I sit down to make my menu and grocery list each week, I usually like to plan for two vegetarian meals.  Vegetable based meals are oh so healthy and your grocery budget thanks you for buying less meat.  Today, I have a great recipe to share with you.  This delicious lasagna is so chalked full of colorful veggies... you don't even miss the meat!  And, this recipe is perfect for two!


3 carrots, chopped
2 zucchini, chopped
1/2 cup corn (frozen or fresh)
1/2 cup peas (frozen or fresh)
1 can black beans (14-16 oz)
1 cup fresh spinach
2 cloves minced garlic
1 can crushed tomatoes (15 oz)
1 can tomato sauce (8 oz)
whole wheat lasagna noodles
3-4 cups part-skim shredded mozzarella cheese (we like cheese around here, but use any amount you would like)

Begin by preheating oven to 350 degrees.  Chop the carrots and zucchini and put them into a large pot.  Saute for five minutes.  Add garlic, can of crushed tomatoes, can of tomato sauce, black beans, corn, peas and spinach.  Season liberally (oregano, ginger, basil, etc).

Cook lasagna noodles according to package directions.  

When ready to assemble the lasagna, add a thin layer of the sauce to the bottom of an 8 x 8 casserole dish.  Place a layer of noodles, then a layer of sauce, then a layer of cheese.  Repeat.  End with a final layer of sauce  with cheese on top.  Stick it in the oven for 50 - 60 minutes.  

Serve with toasted garlic bread and a salad. 

Tasty and filling!  Save the left overs for lunch the next day!

Friday, April 8, 2011

February & March at Our Home

Trust and waiting have been the two themes of our life these past two months.  The days have been steady with Zach working at the BCM and me tutoring a few hours a week and taking care of the home.  We've been continuing to inquire of the Lord and seek out where he wants us to serve in May.  It's been an exciting time as we've been able to talk with several churches and even interview with a few.  As the weeks grow short it has been tempting at times to become anxious about the fact that we still do not know where we are going to be moving or how long we will have to keep waiting.  God has been gracious, though, in continually encouraging and affirming our hearts of his plan and timing for our lives.  We are currently talking with a couple churches and praying for God's guidance and will to be done.  He is faithful!

I've been very glad to have begun to build new friendships with a couple ladies at church. The first 5 months here I didn't know very many people and was really missing having female friendships.  It has only been within these past two months that I feel I have been able to get to know some people.  It has been fun having friends to meet for lunch, coffee chats and afternoon walks.  Of course, these relationships have only begun to develop and I will soon have to say goodbye, but I have enjoyed these ladies so much!

Zach has been given opportunities to speak at the BCM's weekly large group worship time and also to preach at our church.  He also was able to go on spring break for a week with the college students to work at a local camp putting up drywall in their new cafeteria building.  Due to an unplanned power outage in our building, I ended up going to the camp myself for two days (admittedly with a bad attitude at first) and had my own personal mini-retreat.  Thankfully, the Lord helped me lose my bad attitude about it all by the time I went to bed that night.  Zach has also continued to meet with several students on a weekly basis for accountability, mentoring and community.

Things I've Been Thankful For These Past Months

I got inspired to keep a record of things I am thankful for on a regular basis from one of my favorite blogs, Passionate Homemaking.  The author of the blog got the idea from a book called "one thousand gifts" by Ann Voscamp.  I have not read the book, but I love the premise behind it.  Cultivating a thankful heart by intentionally noticing and writing down the everyday blessings of life.  Here are some of my blessings these past two months:

* Dryer is working again
* Waking up in the morning to the sound of rain
* The Word of God reminding me of God's complete sovereignty and that He has alloted me my portion and my cup, and has made my lot secure. (Psalm 16:5)
* A wonderful, faithful, husband who loves me
* A warm spring day
* New opportunities opening up as to where we might serve after the BCM internship
* New haircut :-)
* A good conversation with a friend

Monthly Reading

Psshh.... I have been so slow in this area.  And it's not for lack of time.  I haven't been in much of a mood to read lately.  I have been doing some reading though and I'll share that with you.  At the beginning of the year I started a plan that will take me through the Bible in one year.  I have been on track with that so far and am currently in 1 Samuel and Luke. Zach and I have also been reading through Doctrine: What Christians Should Believe by Mark Driscoll together.  We started last fall and then stopped for a while.  Recently we have picked it back up again and are continuing on.  It has been a good exercise for us as a couple and challenges me in knowing more about my God.  For my "leisure" reading I have been reading A Voice in the Wind by Francine Rivers.  I have always absorbed every book I've ever read by her, but I'm taking more time with this one.  Every time I pick it up I enjoy it and it's definitely another great book by her, but it seems that I've been spending my free time doing other things besides reading lately.

I hope you've enjoyed having a glimpse into our life lately.  We're looking forward to seeing what God has in store for us this month!

Friday, March 18, 2011

March Menu (For 2 Weeks)

I did something today.  I sat down and planned out our meals that we will have for the rest of the month.  This is a good accomplishment for me because, up until now, I have only been menu planning for one week at a time.  Since I'm new to this, starting with one week has been manageable for me, but now I think I've gotten the hang of it enough to wear I feel comfortable planning for 2 weeks at a time.  Baby steps, right?

I have very much enjoyed the process of putting together a meal plan.  Even though it does take a bit of time, it is something I look forward to doing every week.

Is it because I just love FOOD so much.

Or is it the organizing I love?

Maybe I just like Organizing Food?!

Being able to sift through recipes... putting together the ingredients I have with the ingredients I need to buy like a puzzle... then actually cooking it and seeing your creation come together... and then eating it.  I love it all!

So, I thought I would share the love and post my meal plan for the next 2 weeks.

On the Table the Rest of This Week

Friday (tonight):  Vegetable Lasagna with garlic bread
Saturday:  Cheesesteak Sandwiches (minus the mayo)  I'm making these for lunch and we will be going out to eat in Asheville that night. (It's fight night!)
Sunday: Leftovers

Week of March 21

Monday:  Southwest Chicken Salad with tortilla chips and salsa (I'll use the leftover chicken to make quesadillas for lunch one day.)
Tuesday:  BCM Dinner (no cooking for me that night)
Wednesday:  We are having dinner at our church
Thursday:  Black Bean Wraps
Friday:  Honey Dijon Chicken Sandwiches with steamed broccoli and carrots
Saturday:  Leftovers
Sunday:  We are going out of town this day

Week of March 28

Monday:  We will still be out of town (coming back home that evening)
Tuesday:  BCM Dinner
Wednesday:  Dinner at our church
Thursday:  Chickpea, Lentil and Rice Stew
Friday - Sunday:  We will be out of town for the Campus Ministry Spring Conference this weekend, so we will most likely have leftovers on Sunday evening.

I hope you enjoyed having a little sneak peak into my "end of March" meal plan.  I really enjoy putting these menus together and so love sharing it with you!  Have a happy weekend!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Spring Awakening

Springtime was finally beginning to show it's face. The warm sunshine and soft breeze... inviting them to come outside.  To savor this day...

A walk by the lake seemed to be just the key...

The water sparkled with the reflections of the sun, as feathered swimmers and small boats carrying recreational fisherman leisurely floated along.

They passed this little guy enjoying an afternoon swim.  Dreams of summer days at the pool began to take flight...

But then were quickly brought back to the beautiful scenery presently surrounding them. On they went, enjoying this beautiful day for all it had to offer.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A Taste of Morocco {With an American Twist}

Photo Credit

Having traveled ALOT, I often get asked the question, "What is your favorite place you've been too?"  I used to stop and think about it because, to me, it seemed that choosing one favorite place was like choosing one favorite year of your life.  Just like age 7, 19, and 27 offered so many different experiences, lessons, relationships, and fun times, each country or city I've visited is distinctive and special in it's own way.  

How could I pick just one favorite?  That's impossible... right?

The last time somebody asked me this question, a country came to mind right  away.  It was the same country that has always come to mind when I get the "favorite" question.  And then, a little voice inside me said, "Hey!  Wait a minute!  Why am I ignoring my gut instinct on this one?  If this one place is so quick to jump to mind...  I guess I DO have a favorite!" 

Morocco is one of the most beautiful, unique, and colorful places in the world (in my humble opinion).  The people, the history, and the fascinating blend of North African and European culture are inspiring.  But one of the most enjoyable things about Morocco is it's cuisine!  

Yep, the FOOD.

I attempted to make my own version of one of Morocco's most popular dishes, Tagine.
Of course, my version is a bit more low-maintenance (translation: easy) and the preparation process is a bit more American-style than that of a traditional tagine.  

I experimented with a vegetarian version and it turned out absolutely delicious.  And this recipe is very simple to prepare.  I do hope you'll try it!

Vegetable Tagine


1tbs. extra virgin olive oil                                                            *yields 4 servings
1 large onion, chopped     
1 zucchini, diced                                                                                            
1/2 bag of chopped (or sliced) carrots                                   
1 clove of garlic, minced
1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp. ground cumin
1/4 tsp. cayenne pepper
One 14.5 oz. can of diced tomatoes, drained
2 cups vegetable stock
Salt to taste
1 1/2 cups couscous (1 cup couscous = 2 1/2 cups cooked; packaged works well)

Variety tip:  You can also use canned chickpeas to stand in as a substitute for meat, if you desire.

1. Cook 1 1/2 cups of couscous in medium pot according to package directions.  Fluff couscous and set aside.

2.  Heat the oil in a large saucepan over medium heat.  Add the onion and carrot and cook, covered, for 5 minutes, or until softened.  Add the zucchini, tomatoes, garlic, cinnamon, cayenne pepper, vegetable stock, and salt.  Reduce to low heat and let simmer for about 25 minutes.  

3.  Serve over couscous and ENJOY!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

My Favorite Spot At Home

I have one favorite place in my home.

The spot that's all mine is this chair.  I'm pretty much the only one that ever sits in it and I like it that way.

In my last apartment my spot was on the kitchen table, and I would have to push my work stuff over to the side every time anyone wanted to eat there.  

I curl up in this chair in the mornings with my Bible and coffee.  Most of my computer time is spent here (hence the computer cord).  The books I'm currently reading are kept on the table next to my chair. 

Sometimes the table gets overrun with papers, remotes, and other random things.  Sometimes it's neat and tidy.  Sometimes the chair gets piled up with coats and clothes that we just discard there.  I do my best to keep it clear of clutter, though, so that when I walk into the living area in the morning it is there waiting to peacefully welcome me into another day.  

It's restful to have a personal place to be able to sit and work or read.

Do you have a spot like this in your home?  What is your favorite place?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Special Valentine's Moments

Waking up to flowers and a card with a personal sentiment from my man.

Walking hand in hand in the afternoon sunshine.

Seeing the joy on his face upon opening his Valentine gift from me.

Nice conversation across the dinner table.

Slipping on his newly re-sized wedding ring.

Coming home together at the end of the day.

I hope your Valentine's Day was filled with special moments with those you love!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

January At Our Home

January was a nice month of settling back into our regular routines after traveling for 3 weeks over the holidays.  We started off the new year with a snow storm, resulting in a beautifully snow-blanketed ground.  There is something about bare branches covered in snow that creates such a serene and quiet mood.

The winter has given me many opportunities to experiment with cooking new soups and stews.  Yum!  And, of course, I've been consuming mugs of hot chocolate.

At the beginning of the year, Zach and I began co-leading a Sunday School class at our church here with another couple.  We are studying the book of Philippians.  It has been a true joy to be able to minister in this way and get to know people in the class better.

While we have been settling back into our life in the mountains, this past month also has marked the "beginning of the end" of our time here.  Since Zach's position with the collegiate ministry is an internship that will end in May, we are seeking where the Lord would have us serve next.  While nothing is set in stone yet, January brought glimpses of the assurance that He does have a plan and a place for us.  We're so excited to finish out our time here strong and discover what the next step is!