Monday, September 24, 2012

First Experience Batch Cooking Baby Food

Braxton has been eating some solid foods for a month and half now.  I have been making his baby food myself using fresh or frozen fruits and veggies since day one.  What I've been doing is making about a week's worth of baby food at the beginning of each week.  Since he has only been eating one kind of fruit or vegetable over the course of several days as I introduce new foods to him, the preparation process has been quick and I have only made a little at a time.  Now that he has tried a variety of foods,  I have been wanting to try making his baby food in larger batches.  That way I only have to make his food once or twice a month and I can freeze it and take out the amount I need for each meal.  In looking at different websites online I found one called Once a Month Mom.  This site has some great seasonal baby menus, each with a grocery list and instructions on how to prepare a month's worth of baby food.  How convenient is that?! :)

I used one that is specifically for 6-8 month olds.  Since it was my first time batch cooking baby food and Brax only eats 2 solid meals a day right now I decided to 1/2 the amount of fruits and veggies the menu called for and see how long it will last us.

The instructions I followed highly recommended to peel and chop up all your fruits and veggies the night before you plan on making everything.  I ended up peeling, chopping, cooking and processing all in the same day.  It wasn't bad, but it did end up adding about an hour and half to the whole process.  Next time, I will do my best to get all the prepping done the day before.  

I started with washing, peeling, and chopping up all the fruits and veggies I was going to use.  While the sweet potatoes baked in the oven, I would steam and/or boil another fruit or veggie.  As each item was ready, I used my Ninja processor to puree the food.  Then I transferred the pureed baby food into ice cube trays and stuck them in the freezer.  Each cube holds about 2 oz.

The entire process from start to finish took me about six hours.  I know that sounds like a long time, but doing the prep work of peeling and chopping the day before will shave off a chunk of time.  This was my first experience and I know the more I do it, the more efficient I will become and the less time it'll take me.  You do have to set aside a few hours, but I think it is going to be worth it to schedule a day each month to prepare my own baby food. 

I ended up with 7 full ice cube trays (one is not pictured).  Here is what I made.
  • carrots
  • carrots, sweet potato and cauliflower
  • mashed potato and peas
  • sweet potatoes
  • apples
  • pears
  • banana avacado (*not pictured)

Here is the cost break down of what I spent.

2.5 lbs of sweet potatoes ($2.15)
3 lbs of carrots ($.78)
1 avocado ($1.24)
2.5 lbs of apples ($2.35)
1 russet potato ($.59)
2.27 lbs of pears ($3.34)
1 head of cauliflower ((2.78)
1/4 bag of frozen peas (I already had it in the freezer)
1banana (already had on hand)
Total = $13.23

All of that made 112 cubes of food.  That's  224 ounces.  I should have enough to last through most of October.  I'll have to see though.  So, I think that is pretty good! 

Why I Decided To Go The Route Of Homemade Baby Food
Before I started introducing Braxton to solid foods I already knew I wanted to make my own baby food as opposed to buying it in a jar from the store.  My main reasons for wanting to do this are:
          1. I enjoy it.  This is probably the biggest reason.  Cooking is something I like to do.  It's a way for me to be creative and it makes me feel productive.  Trust me,  I don't think I would spend time making homemade baby food if I didn't have fun doing it.  

          2.  It is cost effective.  Those little jars of squash and carrots can quickly add up on your grocery bill.  I recently read that the average baby can consume up to 600 jars of baby food a year, which can cost up to $600.  By making your own baby food, on average, you can save up to 75% of that.  That's $450 a year you could save! 

          3.  It is pretty simple to do.  Once I started reading and watch videos on how to make your own baby food, I was surprised by how easy it looked.  And after doing it, I can confirm that it is not hard at all. All you need to do is prepare the vegetable or fruit, cook it, and puree it in a blender or food processor (adding a little liquid helps).  That's it!

          4.  I know exactly what's in it.  This one is self-explanatory. 

          5.  It tastes better.  I always taste what Braxton is going to eat because I want to know.  I fed him some jar food a couple of times when we were traveling and he didn't care for it at all.  After tasting it I can't say that I blame him.  Compared to homemade food, the jar food tasted gross.  Some were better than others, but still no comparison.

The first month of my baby food making journey has been a success and I'm hoping it continues to be!  Do you like to make your own baby food?  Would you ever consider it?  Happy Fall everybody! 

Monday, September 17, 2012

End of Summer Family Update

In the French Quarter of New Orleans

The summer is coming to an end and we are right on the brink of fall!  I am so ready for some cooler days!  Before we say goodbye to summer though, I wanted to give an update on what we've been up to the last few months.   We kick-started the season back in May with our one year mark since we moved to Springhill.  It's taking time but, after a year of living here, we are feeling more established in our home, our church and our town.  We have surely been blessed with a nice house, a loving church family, financial provision, and much more.  The summer days have included attending the local rodeo, celebrating the Fourth of July with fireworks and friends, and enjoying spending time together as a family.  We have had a lot of fun taking various trips this summer.  In June, Zach went with the youth at our church to summer camp in Florida while Braxton and I were able to go spend that week with my parents in Ohio.  It was Brax's first airplane ride and I was a bit nervous about flying with him by myself but he did great!  In July we went on a week long missions trip to New Orleans and then turned around the following week to take some of the youth to a waterpark in Galveston, Texas.  Needless to say, we have been on the move and traveling quite a bit.  I love road trips and going places but it was nice to have a more laid back month in August.

Last week, Zach and I went to a conference in Dallas for a couple days.  The conference was specifically geared towards youth pastors and their wives.  It was a great time of worship with excellent teaching from men like Matt Chandler and Afshin Ziafat.  Our hearts and minds were refreshed and encouraged in the Lord.  We stayed with my aunt and uncle while in Dallas.  Even though we didn't get to spend that much time together while there, since all of our schedules were busy, it was nice to get to spend the time that we were able to with them.  My aunt, who does photography on the side, was also able to squeeze in a photo shoot of Braxton. :)  She did a fabulous job! 

I started working back as a pharmacy clerk again.  I am only working on Fridays and Zach is able to stay home with Braxton since he has Fridays off.  I enjoy it as I really like the people I work with.  It gives me a break from being home with a baby all the time and provides some adult interaction and variation to my week.  I do miss my sweet boy when I'm gone though and am eager to see him at the end of the day.  It makes me so thankful that I am able to stay at home with him full-time.  I have also started singing on our church praise team on Sundays.  Singing and helping to lead others in worship is something I enjoy doing and feel this is a way God has led me to serve in the local church. 

Braxton is just about 7 months old now and is very alert and active.  He is sitting up on his own, grabbing at everything he sees, and is on the verge of crawling.  He has just recently learned how to push up on his hands and knees.  Pretty soon he'll be putting some forward movement to that action!  He also recently cut his first tooth!  He is eating about 7 oz of formula at each feeding and about 3-4 oz a day of solid, real people food.  His favorites so far are peaches, banana and avocado mixed together, and sweet potatoes.  He is a good little eater!

Something we have been doing a couple times a week since Braxton was born is having family devotions together.  This past month we have really sought to establish this as a priority and make it a daily habit in our home.  We know that it is vital to our child(ren)'s spiritual growth for them to learn at an early age the importance of spending time in the Word and prayer regularly.  We also want our kids to see mom and dad treasuring God's Word.  We are still working on being consistent in doing this together every day, but the habit is developing.  Even though Braxton is still really young and doesn't really understand what's going on, he will one day soon and it has been a good practice for Zach and I.  It is one that we plan to continue doing as he (and any future children we may have) grow.  Currently, we are reading from The Gospel Story Bible by Marty Machowski and saying prayers together before Braxton goes to bed.  If you're looking for a good devotional/story Bible that's good for adults and children I would definitely recommend this book.  It is set up to where it takes you through the whole Bible in narrative story form and there are a few simple questions to ask your kids at the end of each story.  It has colorful pages and illustrations as well.  My favorite thing about this book is how the end of each story points to how Christ is revealed through it.  Highly recommend it!

Hope you enjoyed that little sneak peak into what's been going on and thanks for reading!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Little Yard Sale Haul

Hey all! I have just a quick post today on a few yard sale finds.  My neighbor and friend had a yard sale this morning so I popped on over there to see if I could find any good deals.  I bought nothing practical (haha) but I did get a few things for me to enjoy.  Since I rarely go shopping for myself, it was a treat to pick these up.  :-) 

I found:

- a nice/casual, mint green Gap tee ($1.00)
- a coffee themed tote ($1.00 - I thought it was so cute the moment I saw it and for only a buck I had  to have it)
- a pretty ceramic travel mug (free - gift from my neighbor)
- 2 movies ( 50 cents each)
- Complete Idiot's Guide to Learning Spanish on Your Own (50 cents)  (Zach will use this more than me I'm sure.  He likes to talk to the servers in Spanish when we go out to eat Mexican, ha!) 

Total for everything was $3.50!  That's my kind of shopping spree!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Our Second Anniversary

Zach and I  met in late summer of 2009 through a mutual friend of ours.  Our initial meeting was nice but there were definitely no sparks flying.  In fact, the first time we met we were hanging out with our friend who introduced us and Zach was so unenthralled he fell asleep on my living room chair!  To be fair though, the conversation was mostly our friend and I talking about old times and people he didn't know.  At that time neither one of us would have ever imagined that a year from then we would be just a couple weeks away from becoming husband and wife!

After that first initial meeting we only saw each other a couple times over the following months.  Even so, within those few times of seeing each other, we each began to develop a little bit of interest in the other.  We ended up having our first date in January of 2010 and spent the rest of that month intentionally getting to know each other to see if there was something there.  By February we both knew we wanted to pursue a relationship.  Well, it was all a whirlwind from there!  March found us completely in love and an engagement followed in April.  Our wedding day was a gorgeous early September day that same year and it was one of the best days of our lives.

Tomorrow, September 4, we will celebrate 2  years of marriage.  While still newlyweds in a lot of ways, our love and commitment to one another has only grown stronger.  These past two years has brought us a big move to a new state, our first experience as a married couple serving in full-time ministry, and the addition of a beautiful baby boy. 

I am so blessed to be on this life journey with my very best friend and can't wait to share many more years together!  Happy Anniversary babe!

Monday, July 2, 2012

What's For Dinner?

Last week at our regular Wednesday night youth service I was able to teach our youth a little about the purpose of biblical missions and to share some about my post-college experience as a 2 year missionary overseas.  I always love it when I get the chance to talk about North Africa and my reflections last week left me hungry for some good North African cuisine.  So, naturally, when I sat down to plan out our meals for this week I had to include something with a Moroccan flair!  I've made Vegetable Tagine before, but this time I wanted to try making something different. 

I've had a Pinterest account for a while but have rarely used it much until recently.  I guess you could say I've been a late bloomer jumping on the Pinterest bandwagon.  Lately, I've been loving it though and have found some awesome recipes! Several of the meals I'm making this week and next are recipes I found through Pinterest.  One recipe I found on my sister-in-law's pin board was for Moroccan Stir Fry.  I don't think they actually make stir fry in Morocco (at least not the way Americans know it), but two of my favorite things, Morocco and stir fry, seemed like a winning combination!

Doesn't this look delicious?

My Menu Plan for the Week
I have several chicken breasts in the freezer that I want to cook, so most of our meals this week inlude chicken.

Monday:  Chicken Tacos with black beans and spanish rice

Tuesday: Moroccan Stir Fry served over rice or noodles

Wednesday: We are going out to eat at Buffalo Wild Wings with friends from church and then to
                     see 4th of July fireworks.

Thursday: Leftovers

Friday: Pizza (Veggie or Buffalo Chicken) with salad

Saturday: TBD

Sunday: Leftovers or something easy

I'll be having some fun in the kitchen this week with my little helper.  I hope you have a great Fourth of July week filled with laughter, good food, and good friends!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Mother's Day and an Overnight Trip to Hot Springs

Last Sunday I enjoyed my first Mother's Day with my cute little boy.  I am so blessed to be his mom and to be able to spend every single day with him.  He has grown so much since he was born.  He smiles all the time now and even lets out some giggles on occasion.  It's amazing to see his little personality shine though.  He is very laid back and content, but when it's meal time he wants his food now!  Just check out those chubby thighs!  Must take after me in that.  Um, in his love for food, I mean.... not in the chubby thighs... Anywho...

We went on an overnight trip to Hot Springs, Arkansas to celebrate the day and get out of town for a bit.  The plan was to drive up there after church on Sunday and spend most of the day Monday as well.  Unfortunately,  Zach was fighting a terrible cold the whole time we were there. :(  We spent Sunday evening relaxing in our hotel room and on Monday, since Zach was sick, we ended up coming home earlier than we had hoped.  Before leaving Hot Springs though we did manage to spend about 2 hours in the historic downtown district.  We had brunch at a little hole-in-the-wall place called the Colonial Pancake and Waffle House, which was apparently featured in Southern Living magazine at one point.  After that we did a little window shopping along the main strip.

I had to take a picture of this cupcake shop because I thought the name was hilarious!  Anybody want a cupcake?

We went by Bathhouse Row where the street is aligned with historic bathhouses.  The architecture of the buildings was beautiful. 

Next time we go we will have to make our way more into the park and see some of the natural hot springs.  Although they did have a few hot springs "on display" in front of the bathhouses.  I stuck my hand in and yes, it was very hot!

Zach was a sport because, even though strolling and window shopping is no where close to being his favorite thing to do, he knew that I would enjoy it.  And I most certainly did. :) 

Have a Happy Weekend!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

My C-Section Story

Our little Braxton is 2 months old now and I can hardly believe it. Time does fly!  After spending the first several weeks caring for a newborn and accomplishing only what is absolutely necessary (does a shower really count as necessary?) I finally began to feel like I was getting somewhat of a grasp on things and slowly attempting to rejoin the world.  Now, 10 weeks after giving birth, I've got a somewhat steady flow to my days again.  The days are busier than they were before and my time is no longer my own.  Taking care of a baby is a 24/7 job!  You say, "Uh, duh Kelly".  Seriously though, people tell you how much work a baby is and you know this is true in your head, but nobody can really prepare you for the reality of it.  Once you find yourself flung into motherhood, you just have to jump right into the deep end.  No wading in the shallow water while slowly working your way over to the deep end.  Hard work.  24/7.  However, it is also true what they say that there is such a deep instant love you gain for your child the moment they are born.  And all the hard work, the sleepless nights, the round the clock feedings are so worth it.  While I most definitely have my moments of frustration and stress, I am trying to intentionally remember to cherish these times when he is so small because I know it will all go by way too fast.  I absolutely love being a mom and I love my little guy to pieces!

As many know, Braxton was born February 22, 2012 via c-section.  I've been wanting to share my story on here and have been putting it together little by little... by little by little as I find the time to write.  I have to be honest and say that part of me hesitated in posting the story on the blog only because there is some controversy when it comes to c-sections.  I have heard the term "birth rape" and know that some women out there do feel as if they were pressured into having a c-section or had little to no choice in the matter.  Let me just say that I do not feel that way at all.  I made the decision to go this route because it was the best idea for our family.  While I may have missed out on the physical contractions and pushing during labor, what I didn't miss out on was a positive, blissful birthing experience.

Here is how it all transpired.  I've tried to keep it as short as I can without missing any of the important details.  So, grab a cup and read on.

We went to the doctor for my 38 week check-in on Thursday, February 16.  Before this time the baby still had not dropped and I was not dilated at all.  I went to the doctor that afternoon hoping for some good news that I had dilated even 1 cm.  It turned out I hadn't and it was confirmed that his head was still very high up and not even close to engaging the pelvis.  We had an ultrasound done and, after taking some measurements, my doctor explained that it was extremely probable that the baby's head was too large to fit through my small pelvic bones.  Hence, he wasn't dropping because he just wasn't fitting and basically was floating around in there.  After discussing things over with our doctor we decided that I would come back on Monday to see if there was any change and go from there.  I won't go into all the details and length of the conversation, but by the time we left I knew it was very likely I would be having a c-section.

That afternoon, after finding out that a c-section was a strong possibility, I had mixed emotions.  Part of me was excited that I very well could be holding my baby in my arms by this time next week.  The other part of me was caught off guard and a little sad about the thought of missing out on the labor experience.  Afterall, I always thought I would have a vaginal delivery.  I never envisioned myself having a c-section before.  Also, I wondered how this might affect future births since I've heard that a vaginal delivery after a c-section does have risks.  Another part of me was afraid of what the recovery might be like. Then there was another part of me that just wanted to do what was best for the baby, whatever that turned out to be.  All of these thoughts and feelings were going on in my head and heart.  Over the weekend I prayed about it and talked to several friends who had had c-sections before for various reasons.  They were all very encouraging and offered good advice for the recovery time.  I'm so glad I had them for support and as a resource.  By the end of that weekend I felt much more confident with going the route of a c-section if that's what ended up happening.

Well, Monday came and no change.  Again, I'll spare you the ins and out of a long conversation, but after consulting with our doctor and talking through all of our options we decided that a c-section was the way to go.  We scheduled it for that Wednesday morning (2-22-2012).  I felt very peaceful about the decision and excited to know that I was going to see my baby very soon!

However, I made a mistake that night and got on the internet to read stories other people had posted about their recoveries.  It seemed like almost every story I read was negative.  Stories of horrible pain afterwards, barely being able to walk around, infections, etc.  By the time I had read about ten of these experiences others had had, I was FREAKING out.  I called my mom and, like all good mothers do, she helped me to calm down and gave the very wise advice to stay off of the internet, saying that most people who post online about things like that tend to be the ones who have had bad experiences.  I didn't type "c-section recovery" into google one more time after that. 

My parents and sister came into town on Tuesday.  Since Zach and I live an hour away from the hospital and my c-section was scheduled for 7:00 a.m. the next morning we just checked into the hospital at midnight and spent the night there.  Of course, I didn't get any sleep.  Maybe two hours.  Maybe.

A nurse came into the room at about 5:30 a.m. Wednesday morning to put my IV in.  She had to do it twice because it didn't work the first time.  Ouch!  Seriously, getting the IV ended up being the most painful part of the entire process.  Once it was in we waited until it was time to be taken to the operating room.

At 8:50 a.m. it was finally time and they wheeled me back there.  Once in the room, a nurse had me sit up on the table with my back rolled and my chin tucked under so that the anesthesiologist could give me a spinal tap.  I was pretty nervous about this part but it was not that bad.  It hurt a little, like an extremely strong bee sting, but was over quickly.  Right afterwards the nurses had me lie back on the table and immediately I could feel my legs starting to go numb.  After just a few minutes I was numb from my toes to the middle of my stomach.  It was the strangest feeling but also fascinating at the same time.  I couldn't move my legs or feet at all.

 In the process of me going numb, my doctor and another doctor came in.  Zach came in soon after that, dressed in scrubs.  I was so happy to see him even though I had only been in there for about 10 minutes at this point.  I told Zach how weird it felt not to be able to feel my legs at all.  I began to feel tugging and pulling on my stomach, but no pain.  Zach asked the doctor if he could take pictures with his iPad when the time came to pull the baby out.  I began to feel some pressure, like something was pushing down on my stomach. The anesthesiologist was asking Zach questions about his Ipad and then we started talking about books we were reading..... Oh wait!  The doctor told Zach to get ready because the baby was coming NOW!

I'll never forget the sound of that first cry.  The sweetest, most wonderful sound I'd ever heard.  Then I saw my baby boy's beautiful face over the curtain.  I was in such a state of euphoria during that moment.  After measuring and weighing him, he was given to Zach to hold.  The first question I asked was "What color is his hair?"  We had wondered if he would get my red hair.  Zach responded, "It looks like he has my brown hair."

 Zach brought him over to where I was so I could see him up close.  I loved him so much already.  I was only able to see him for a few minutes before Zach took him up to the nursery to be bathed. (Sidenote: I had been given the choice earlier of  whether I wanted him to be taken to be bathed while I got stitched up or keeping him in the OR next to me until I was finished.  I had decided to let him be taken to the nursery as long as Zach went with him).  It took about 20 minutes for them to stitch me up and then I was taken to a recovery room.  With my family and Zach up in the nursery area, I was alone in the recovery room for 30 minutes.  I was ready to see and hold my son and it seemed to take forever for them to bring him back to me.  That was the one part of the whole experience that I didn't really care for.  However, I was also very tired from lack of sleep, so at least I was able to have a little bit of time to close my eyes and think about what had just happened.  I had just had a baby.  Wow!  After about an hour, Braxton was brought down from the nursery and I finally got to hold my son for the first time.  It was such a wonderful moment.

The whole birth/c-section was a great experience for me.  One of the best moments of my life.

I'll just say a few words about my recovery.  I think it went as well as it could have gone considering I had stomach surgery.  The first day I rested in bed, but the second day I was up and walking around some.  Sitting up in bed after laying down was pretty painful (like a knife cutting across your stomach), but once I was up and moving around (albeit slowly) it was not too bad.  A little sore at most.  I did make sure to stay on top of my pain meds.  I took them on time and made sure they didn't wear off.  I was in the hospital for 2 days and was getting around pretty well by the time I left to go home.  I also took laxatives to help with my bowel movements the first week after (tmi?), which made the bathroom experience extremely tolerable. I had a sharp pain near the incision when I had to go from laying to sitting or sitting to standing, and it did hurt to cough or laugh, but after about a week and a half I stopped taking the pain meds because I didn't need them anymore.  By the end of the second week I felt back to my normal self.  My incision has healed up very nicely as well.

Braxton Lane Kennedy was born, through an incredibly beautiful and peaceful c-section, at 9:24 am on Wednesday, February 22, 2012.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Southwest Chicken Salad

I have a recipe to share with you today.  It's a very simple and easy salad made with fresh ingredients.  A perfect meal for spring and summer time!

serves 4

Mixed greens (I like to use a mix of organic baby spinach, romaine, arugula, and red kale that I buy at our local Wal-mart)
1 1/2 cups of frozen corn
1 1/2 cups of black beans
2 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves
Pepper to taste


1. Grill the chicken breasts (I like to use my George Forman)
2. While chicken is grilling heat the corn and black beans on the stove
3. Cut grilled chicken breast into strips
4. Put greens on a plate and top with beans, corn, and chicken
5. Pepper to taste

Top with anything else you may like such as cheese, olives or green onion.  Dress with Ranch dressing (or any kind you like) and serve with tortilla chips on the side. 

Quick tip to make your own tortilla chips (pictured above)

Use whole wheat or flour tortillas and cut into triangles.
Place them on a baking sheet.  Salt.
Put them in a 350 degree oven for about 10 minutes, or until crispy and edges start to brown.


Thursday, February 2, 2012

Recipe for Homemade Tomato Soup

Even though the temps have been in the mid 60's to low 70's around here lately, it hasn't stopped me from imagining it's a cold winter day outside that demands a warm, tasty bowl of soup.  Today, I have a recipe for tomato soup to share with you.  I've tried out a few homemade tomato soup recipes and this one is by far the best so far!   Before I share the recipe, I do have to confess that I totally ripped off the Pioneer Woman's recipe for tomato soup, but made just enough adjustments and changes to make it my own.  ;-)  Here's the recipe:


1 medium yellow onion, diced
2 cloves of garlic, minced
3-4 tbsp butter
Two 14.5 oz cans of diced tomatoes
One 46 oz can of tomato juice
3 tbsp of sugar
One 14 oz can of chicken broth
1 1/2 cups of heavy whipping cream
1/4 cup chopped basil
1/4 cup parsley
1/2 tsp dried dillweed
Ground black pepper

Cooking Directions

1.  Melt butter in a large pot on the stove.

2.  Add the onion and garlic. Cook for a few minutes, until translucent.

3.  Stir in undrained diced tomatoes, tomato juice, chicken broth, and whipping cream.  Stir to combine. 

4.  Add sugar to balance out the acidity of the tomato juice.  (I find that 3 tbsp is enough, but you may want to add more according to your taste).  Stir to combine.

5.  Add in spices (basil, parsely, dillweed, and pepper).

6.  Bring soup to a boil.  Reduce heat and simmer, uncovered, for 30 minutes.  Cool soup slightly.  

7. Use a handheld immersion blender to blend soup mixture until smooth.  (If you do not have an immersion blender you can let the soup cool, transfer some of the soup at a time to a blender, and cover and blend until smooth).  

Once soup is smooth, keep warm and serve it with a grilled cheese sandwich! Enjoy! :)

Monday, January 16, 2012

Transform Family Conference Recap

This past weekend we had the Transform Family Conference at our church.  It was an awesome few days of being encouraged and challenged in growing and strengthening godly relationships within the family.  We were privileged to have Mike and Judy Brisky from Gateway Church in Southlake, TX come and be with us throughout the weekend.  Mike is an associate pastor of marriage and family ministries at Gateway.  It was very beneficial to hear both him and his wife teach on family relationships from God's Word as well as share from their own experiences in marriage and parenting. 

"By wisdom a house is built,
and through understanding it is established;
through knowledge is rooms are filled
with rare and beautiful treasures."
Proverbs 24: 3-4  

I wasn't able to attend the main session the first night because I was helping to get refreshments prepared during that time, but I was able to attend the second night where the main topic was "The Transformational Family".  Mike and Judy spoke about some foundational principles that godly families are built on, such as character, vision, and relationship.  They shared that, the more we follow God's principles the more He releases His blessing on us.  I believe this and have seen evidence of it in my own life.  They focused on the relationship between husband and wife and how creating a respectful, loving, honorable environment between "mom and dad" will set the tone for our children.  They also gave us some practical ways parents can be building relationships with their children and encouraging them in their faith. 

Another session focused on how our words can transform relationships.  Proverbs 18:21 says, "The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit".  The words we speak to others do have the power to bring life to someone, building them up, or to bring death, tearing them down.  How can we use our words to encourage the relationships in our life?  I was reminded to think about the way I use my words and how I want to be intentional to speak words of truth and edification into the life of my husband, future children, and others I'm around. 

Mike also talked about the importance of honor and what it looks like to honor yourself, to honor your spouse, and to honor others.  Most importantly, they encouraged us to be faithful in honoring God.  To honor him with our wealth, our words, our attitude, and our relationships. He stated, "When you honor God and others, God will honor you and so will others". 

So, after this weekend I am encouraged in my role as wife and soon to be mom.  I took away some valuable information and teaching to process. I must also add that as I was hearing these things I felt very thankful for my parents who exemplified and practiced all this in our home as I was growing up.  Thanks mom and dad! I learned it first from you! I love you!

I can't help feeling excited as Zach and I are just beginning our family and we have a "blank slate" to begin the journey of parenting our children in the Lord's ways!  What a joy it will be!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

My Principles for Setting Goals for the New Year

I have made New Year’s resolutions in the past, but after many experiences of setting over-zealous and unfocused  resolutions, I have learned a few helpful guidelines for creating goals that will stick around past the end of January.   

1.      Pray over your goals.  When you sit down with your pen and paper to write out your goals, I would encourage you to pray over them.  Listen to hear and examine to see if the goals you want to focus on are in line with God’s will for you.  Our goals should make us more available to His presence and working in our lives. 

2.      Set realistic goals.  I remember one New Year setting a goal that I was going to exercise every day.  For some that might not sound so unrealistic, but keep in mind that at this point I was doing good if I got out and jogged once every two weeks.  Well, you can guess how long that lasted.  First off, the success of this goal was defined as “every day” when I didn’t even have the habit built up yet.  All I was doing was setting myself up for failure.  A more realistic goal would have been to exercise at least 3 times a week (and forgive myself if I only got 2 in, keeping at it). 

3.      Keep your goals simple (numerically).  I’m a simple girl at heart.  I don’t like a lot of clutter, I don’t like having too many songs on my iPod, and I don’t like juggling a lot of things on my plate at once.  I’ve found that I thrive when I have just a few things to focus on, including goals I want to work towards.  This is another helpful tidbit learned after several well-intentioned lists of 8-10 goals that only made me feel crazy and discouraged when I couldn’t master all of them at once.  Did I forget I was human? 

4.      Aim for grace-filled consistency, not perfection. Many times, the reason we end up failing at our goals is because we aim for the wrong target.  We aim for perfection, when what we ought to be aiming for is something I like to call grace-filled consistencyPerfection says that we have to get it right every single time.  Hello! This is impossible and leads only to discouragement and eventually, giving up.  On the other hand, grace-filled consistency says to do your best and when you mess up (or eat that second or third donut you said you weren’t going to have), because you will, forgive yourself and keep going.  Covering our resolves in grace is what allows us to not give up and continue to steadily form consistent habit in our lives. I am all about grace these days.  By nature, I am prone to become discouraged, immobilized, or just give up when I don’t meet the expectations I have set in my mind for myself – often times, I confess, due to my own laziness or tendency to become distracted by less important things.  However, even in this, I have to accept God’s grace in my life, allowing it to wash over me, and continue to pursue my goals. The key is to aim towards developing a habit of consistency, not perfectionism.

With these principles in mind, here are my goals/resolutions that I have set for 2012.

Goals for 2012
  • Be more active - Exercise at least 3 times a week and lose baby weight by summer time.
  • Continue establishing and developing the habit of regular morning, evening, and weekly routines that I began last year in order to continue growing in personal discipline and maintaining a peaceful home. (I realize that I will have to restructure this some when the baby arrives).
  • Finish reading the Bible all the way through. (I began last year and will finish it out this year).
  • Memorize two Scripture verses a month.
I think these are simple and attainable, challenging me in new areas but also building on new habits that began last year as well.  I also plan on setting one goal or task a month that I want to complete.  My goal for January is to have the nursery set up and organized by the end of the month.

What about you? Have you made any resolutions for this upcoming year?

Monday, January 2, 2012

A Monthly Menu Plan for January

Photo courtesy of Real Simple

Typically, I have been planning out our meals for a week at a time, but this year I am going to try something new and create a basic two-week meal plan that I can repeat at least once.  This way I will have around a month of meals planned at a time, making it a lot simpler on me, and we'll only end up eating the same thing about twice a month.

My plan is is to sit down a few days before the end of each month and map out a different menu for the upcoming month.

For this month, I chose "comfort food" meals for winter that can easily be made into double batches and frozen for later.  Hopefully this will cut down on the amount of cooking I have to do later on in the month.

Our January Meal Plan

Week 1&3

Monday, January 2 - Chicken Tortilla Casserole with a vegetable and salad
  • Make two batches and freeze the second for later in the month.
  • Additional days: Monday, January 16, 30

Tuesday, January 3 - Shrimp and Black Bean Wraps
                                     with corn, chips and salsa
  • Additional days: Tuesday, January 17, 31

Wednesday, January 4 - Leftovers
  •  I work on Thursdays, so today is a good day to prepare Sweet Potato and Lentil Stew and refrigerate it for tomorrow.  That way when I get home from work, all I have to do is heat it up.  Make enough to freeze some for later as well.
  • Additional days for leftovers: Wednesday, January 11, 18, & 25

Thursday, January 5 - Sweet Potato and Lentil Stew with corn muffins
  • Additional days: Sunday, January 8

Friday, January 6 - Homemade Pizza and salad
  • Double the dough batches and freeze the extra for later.
  • Additional days: Friday, January 20

Saturday, January 7 - Leftovers or Eat Out
  • Additional days: Saturday, January 14, 21, & 28

    Week 2&4

    Monday, January 9 - Spinach and Cheese Enchiladas with rice and beans (adapted from a Real Simple recipe)
    • Make a second batch and freeze for later
    • Additional days: Tuesday, January 24

     Tuesday, January 10 - Stir Fry
    • Make White Chicken Chili on Wednesday, January 11 for the next day and refrigerate.  When I get home from work all I have to do is heat it up. Prepare enough to freeze some for later in the month.

      Thursday, January 12 - White Chicken Chili
    • Additional days: Sunday, January 15 & Thursday, January 26

      Friday, January 13 - Apple Cider Chicken (Please try this! It is SO good!)
    • Additional days: Friday, January 27

    Thursday, January 19 - Homemade Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese (I have a really good recipe for tomato soup that I will be sharing this month.)
    • Take extra pizza dough out of the fridge to thaw overnight.
    • Additional days: Sunday, January 22

    Monday, January 23 - Leftovers for Zach. I will be having dinner at a ladies church event.
    • Take extra spinach and cheese enchiladas out of the freezer to thaw for tomorrow evening.

    Sunday, January 29 - Something simple. Probably spaghetti or leftovers.
    • Take extra chicken tortilla casserole out of the freezer to thaw for tomorrow evening.

    Voila! A whole month worth of meals.  I think I'm going to like this system.  Planning out your meals a month at a time and figuring out what ingredients you will need to buy takes a little time to sit down and do, but once you have it done you don't have to think about what you're going to make for dinner for a whole month!  Another perk is you basically have your grocery list finished for the month as well!

    I hope you find a recipe on here that you may want to try out yourself!

    Happy Monday!