Saturday, October 2, 2010

Fall Reading

I love, love books!  I love the smell of the pages and the feel of the covers.  One of my favorite Saturday afternoon activities is to just curl up with a quality cup of coffee and a good book in my hands for a few hours.  My husband loves to read too.  He often likes to tote a book around when he's going somewhere just in case there is an opportunity to read.  As kids we both grew up enjoying reading alot and I hope it is something we can encourage in our future children one day. 
Now, I'm the kind of reader who goes through "reading spurts".  While I always have the page(s) of some book(s) dog-eared, sometimes it can take me months to finish a book.  Other times, I get the reading itch and I can sit and fly through a book within a few days (I'm rarely the type of reader who can finish a whole book in a day).  Well, I dont' know if it's the cooler fall weather that's approaching, bringing along with it the lovely thought of hot chocolate, scarves, and bonfire season.... but I  have got the reading itch!  Yay!  I have many a books that have been sitting in my "to be read pile" for quite some time and my goal is to actually get some of those read this fall.  So, I wanted to share with you all my Fall Reading List that I put together, hopefully to inspire you to read more this fall, but if for nothing else to keep me on track with my plan. :-)  Here's my list:

Travels with Charley by John Steinbeck (I'm over half-way through with this one already)
Doctrine by Mark Driscoll and Gerry Breshears (this is one that Zach and I are reading together)
Life of Pi by Yann Martell
Radical by David Platt
Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin
Sacred Influence: How God Uses Wives to Shape the Souls of Their Husbands by Gary Thomas
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens (I'll start reading this one around the beginning of December)

7 books.  I don't think that is too lofty of a goal.  Especially with the free time I have right now, I need to take advantage of it!  I tried to get a good mix of fiction and non-fiction in there.  We'll see how I stick to it.  Most importantly though, I just want to have fun reading and learning in the process!  Okay, I'm off to read some more now!

1 comment:

  1. I've had the reading itch lately too (I'm a "spurt" reader, as well)!! Happy reading! :)
