Thursday, January 13, 2011

Getting Ready to Read!

I spent a little time yesterday organizing my bookshelf and, in doing this, planning my reading for the upcoming year.  Since I don’t own an overwhelming amount of books, organizing the shelves didn’t take me too long.  Instead of having all my books jumbled up together with no rhyme or reason, I brought some sanity into the place.  Starting off by separating the non-fiction from the fiction, I then made piles according to genre and grouped books by the same author together as well.  During the process of doing this, my 2011 reading plan came together as well.  And the best part is… I already own all the books that I will be reading this year!  Yes, I have a lot of books that are just waiting to be read. Some are recently purchased, but there are also those books that have fallen through the cracks.  Books that were purchased with honest, good, to-be-read intentions, but, for one reason or another, are still awaiting their turn to be absorbed. 
So, this year, my reading plan is to read through all the books that I already own and have yet to get to.  Ideally, I would love to set a goal to read 2 books each month.  However, I am also realistic and know that life happens, things come up and there will be times I will want to read more than others.  We'll see how it goes!  I have created a sidebar link to view my reading list if you care to see what I'll be sticking my nose in this year! 


  1. I checked your book list out. Looks like quite a list. I know that Craig read Eternity In Their Hearts by Don Richardson. He really liked that book! He read it after we came back from our trip to Papua New Guinea. We read his other book, too, Peace Child.

    I have books that are on my shelves, bought with good intentions too, but for some reason I didn't get to them. Brooke gave Craig and I a book she read last semester - Madman by Tract Groot. I'm looking forward to reading it. Maybe while I'm sitting in all the boys Upward Basketball practices! : )

  2. I'm glad to hear that Craig liked Eternity In Their Hearts. It's been recommend to me in the past by a couple people.
    I hope that you are able to find some time to read the books you'd like to. I know you're life is much busier than mine right now! :) I haven't heard of Madman, but I'll have to check it out and see what it's about.
