Monday, January 10, 2011

Meal Planning Monday

Since being married I have been learning a lot about meal planning.  As I've mentioned before, as a single girl I did not cook very much.  Dinner most nights consisted of a bowl of cereal, a frozen meal, or (dare I say it) fast food (yea yea, I know).  Well, Chipotle is not considered fast food by me.  I {heart} the wonderful place and nothing will ever change that. Ok, back to the point of this post.  

Now that I'm a wife, I want to make tasty, nutritious meals for my husband.  I also want to respect our budget.  So, through inspiration by others and practice I've been making it a discipline to make a menu plan each week.  And I've enjoyed it!  I know there are some who make a monthly menu plan, but since I'm new to this, planning for a week's worth of meals is a lot more manageable for me right now.  

The title of this post is Meal Planning Monday.  My purpose in this is to introduce a new series on here where I will share (and keep track of) the meals that I have planned for that week.  I will also share a little bit each week about what I have learned (am learning) as a meal planning newbie.  When I come across a great recipe, I'll share that from time to time too!  

Here is my meal plan for us this week:

Monday: Italian baked chicken w/Homemade Sweet Potato Fries and Asparagus
Tuesday: Dinner at the BCM
Wednesday: Dinner at church
Friday: Black Bean Lasagna Rolls w/Garlic bread
Saturday: Leftovers
Sunday: Homemade Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese


  1. It all sounds delish! I'd love to know how the Black Bean Lasagna Rolls turn out.

  2. you should link up with She does a meal planning thing on Mondays. You would probably like her blog, too!

  3. Cindy, I'll post the recipe for the black bean lasagna rolls soon! They're really yummy!

    Michelle, thanks for sharing the link. I'll check it out! I always like to see what others are making and get some good ideas.
