Trust and waiting have been the two themes of our life these past two months. The days have been steady with Zach working at the BCM and me tutoring a few hours a week and taking care of the home. We've been continuing to inquire of the Lord and seek out where he wants us to serve in May. It's been an exciting time as we've been able to talk with several churches and even interview with a few. As the weeks grow short it has been tempting at times to become anxious about the fact that we still do not know where we are going to be moving or how long we will have to keep waiting. God has been gracious, though, in continually encouraging and affirming our hearts of his plan and timing for our lives. We are currently talking with a couple churches and praying for God's guidance and will to be done. He is faithful!
I've been very glad to have begun to build new friendships with a couple ladies at church. The first 5 months here I didn't know very many people and was really missing having female friendships. It has only been within these past two months that I feel I have been able to get to know some people. It has been fun having friends to meet for lunch, coffee chats and afternoon walks. Of course, these relationships have only begun to develop and I will soon have to say goodbye, but I have enjoyed these ladies so much!
Zach has been given opportunities to speak at the BCM's weekly large group worship time and also to preach at our church. He also was able to go on spring break for a week with the college students to work at a local camp putting up drywall in their new cafeteria building. Due to an unplanned power outage in our building, I ended up going to the camp myself for two days (admittedly with a bad attitude at first) and had my own personal mini-retreat. Thankfully, the Lord helped me lose my bad attitude about it all by the time I went to bed that night. Zach has also continued to meet with several students on a weekly basis for accountability, mentoring and community.
Things I've Been Thankful For These Past Months
I got inspired to keep a record of things I am thankful for on a regular basis from one of my favorite blogs, Passionate Homemaking. The author of the blog got the idea from a book called "one thousand gifts" by Ann Voscamp. I have not read the book, but I love the premise behind it. Cultivating a thankful heart by intentionally noticing and writing down the everyday blessings of life. Here are some of my blessings these past two months:
* Dryer is working again
* Waking up in the morning to the sound of rain
* The Word of God reminding me of God's complete sovereignty and that He has alloted me my portion and my cup, and has made my lot secure. (Psalm 16:5)
* A wonderful, faithful, husband who loves me
* A warm spring day
* New opportunities opening up as to where we might serve after the BCM internship
* New haircut :-)
* A good conversation with a friend
Monthly Reading
Psshh.... I have been so slow in this area. And it's not for lack of time. I haven't been in much of a mood to read lately. I have been doing some reading though and I'll share that with you. At the beginning of the year I started a plan that will take me through the Bible in one year. I have been on track with that so far and am currently in 1 Samuel and Luke. Zach and I have also been reading through Doctrine: What Christians Should Believe by Mark Driscoll together. We started last fall and then stopped for a while. Recently we have picked it back up again and are continuing on. It has been a good exercise for us as a couple and challenges me in knowing more about my God. For my "leisure" reading I have been reading A Voice in the Wind by Francine Rivers. I have always absorbed every book I've ever read by her, but I'm taking more time with this one. Every time I pick it up I enjoy it and it's definitely another great book by her, but it seems that I've been spending my free time doing other things besides reading lately.
I hope you've enjoyed having a glimpse into our life lately. We're looking forward to seeing what God has in store for us this month!
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