Friday, December 3, 2010

November at Our Home

November was the first month since we’ve moved here that seems to have had a sense of normalcy and routine to it.  So much has happened in the last couple of months with Zach and I getting married, our honeymoon, moving in and setting up our apartment, job-hunting (for me), and just adjusting and settling in to a new place.  Of course, we are still adjusting and settling in, but things have been a little more stable this past month. 
Having a part-time job has helped me by establishing a bit more routine to my week.  I’ve also begun using these free printable calendars and weekly planning sheets from Kristen's Guide to organize and plan for my week ahead.  I really love these sheets because not only are they great for helping me to think about and see what I need to accomplish that week but they also allow me to balance and focus on different value areas I want to be intentional in.  Planning out my week like this has been very helpful to me in creating good routines. 
Another event that has been new for us this month is we have started sponsoring a child from Peru through Compassion, an organization that seeks to meet the physical and spiritual needs of children living in poverty.  Something Zach and I have been starting to think about very recently is how we are to fulfill our role in Jesus’ command to love and help the poor (1 John 3:17-18) and obey The Great Commission to “go therefore and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:18-20).  What does being a Great Commission couple look like for us right now?  In the future?  These are questions we are considering and praying over. 
I also read the book Radical by David Platt.  I can’t recommend this book strongly enough!  It really challenged me to take a look at my current view of the Christian life (especially American Christianity) and examine how much of it is founded on the Word of God.  Much of the above thoughts and questions Zach and I are dealing with on living out the Great Commission have been directly sparked from this book.  Read it if you desire to be challenged in your faith and your Christian walk!
Finally, at the end of the month, we celebrated Thanksgiving with Zach’s family in the Greensboro, NC area.  We spent actual Thanksgiving Day with Zach’s mom and her side of the family.  I had my first experience at shooting a rifle. However it’s merely a Southern activity, still not a Southern girl. ;-)  I also had my first experience participating in over-night Black Friday shopping.  We were in the line at Kohl’s by 2:30 in the morning and Target by 3:30 A.M.  Then, home and in bed by 7:00 A.M.  I don’t know if I would want to brave that again, but we did end up getting a fantastic deal on a new GPS for Zach’s mom for Christmas!  Saturday evening was spent celebrating Thanksgiving with Zach’s dad and his side of the family.  We had a wonderful time!
Now, we are getting into the Christmas season and are looking forward to a month full of traveling, spending time with family, and reflecting on the greatest gift we have in Christ!

1 comment:

  1. I read Radical a few months ago. Very Good! Very Inspiring and incidentally kinda scary read.
